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The Board and officers of Central States are committed to increasing the number and quality of educational programs it offers to coin clubs and members. The programs listed below are representative of this effort. We are pleased to make all of these programs available to your club, your members and members of CSNS. If you have any suggestions for additional programs, please let us know.

For more information on any program listed below contact:

State Showcase Program

2024 saw the beginning of a new program at CSNS to recognize and showcase the numismatic history from each of the thirteen states within our region. This program was developed to “showcase” the hard work and dedication state and local organizations and clubs do for the hobby but have oftentimes not been recognized. We all have stories to tell. We all know or have known interesting people who have made their mark on the hobby in our clubs. We all have cool numismatic items from our state. We want to give you, our clubs, the opportunity to tell those stories.

Even if you no longer have a state club, a local club can take the lead and share your states story. Let’s talk! To share your numismatic history and to brag about the contributions you have made or if you would like more information on the program and find out how your state can apply contact:

Mitch Ernst at P.O. Box 24559 Omaha, NE 68124 or email with “State Showcase” in the subject line.


What we ask the states to do:

Man the State Showcase table at the CSNS convention. They are given 2-3 club tables on the bourse in the club section. One for club material, 1-2 for exhibit cases with historical materials.


They commit to give talks in our education are about numismatic history in their state (It would be a part of the Newman Numismatic Portal Symposium)


The state commits to writing an article(s) about numismatic history in their state for The Centinel. (If chosen state is unable to provide article(s) CSNS reserves the right to articles of its choosing to supplement this part of the showcase program for the state)


What CSNS commits to do:

The state representatives are given two nights in the hotel (1 room to share). Must be in the CSNS hotel room block to receive reimbursement. The option to purchase more rooms in the room block is available, at own expense.


CSNS will produce commemorative drink coasters with an image of the State quarter of State numismatic medal.


CSNS would try to have commemorative slabs with state quarter "Celebrate ________" for each CSNS State Showcase Convention.


2024 - Iowa

2025 - Nebraska

2026 - Missouri

2027 - Michigan

2028 - Wisconsin

2029 - Illinois

2030 - Ohio

Newman Numismatic Portal Symposium



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